
Project name Meteo-Renovables
January 2014 - Ongoing
Total budget: Intelligent Energy Europe: 1,303,646 €
  • Viewers of the El Temps (weather forecast) programmes from the collaborating media outlets
Social networks :


Meteo-Renovables is the Spanish version of the European EnergizAIR project, through mainstream media it seeks to raise public awareness of the true potential of renewable energy. Based on real meteorological data, Meteo-Renovables demonstrates the potential of Spanish provincial capitals and autonomous communities to produce thermal solar, photovoltaic solar and wind energy in the meteorological sections of print media, radio and television.


  • Disseminate the potential of photovoltaic solar energy, solar thermal energy and wind production in general media through real meteorological data.
  • Promote renewable energies through weather forecast programmes on television and radio.

Participation of Ecoserveis

We are responsible for the development and implementation of the project in Spain.

Results achieved

Real data on renewable energy production
3 media outlets in Catalonia use the data regularly

With the support of:

Imatges del projecte


Project manager

Project scope