Unlocking data to boost renovation of Europe’s homes and buildings

New open-source platform aims to make data more accessible and enable buildings to become more energy efficient in the EU Buildings in the EU account for over a third of the region’s energy-related emissions, with 75% of these buildings performing poorly in terms of energy efficiency. Despite ambitious targets, the annual renovation rate remains stagnant at just 1%, underscoring the…

transport poverty
Mind the gap: the invisible gendered reality of mobility

by Federica Giardina, Project Manager at Ecoserveis Imagine a world where every woman and girl feels safe, confident, and empowered during their daily commute. Unfortunately, this vision is still quite far from reality due to major flaws in our transport systems. While many of us take reliable transportation for granted, for women, it’s often a daily struggle. This silent crisis,…

Sustainable Mobility, yes; Inclusive Too?

By Adrià Serarols, energy consultant at Ecoserveis Within the necessary energy transition, it is clear that mobility is a key sector that is already making strides towards decarbonization. Often, the focus is not only on replacing conventional vehicles with electric ones, but also on promoting social changes regarding different transportation methods, encouraging the use of public transport, trains and shared…

“Energy Communities must not Overlook Vulnerability”

In recent years, numerous projects aimed at establishing energy communities across Spain have been launched. These communities demonstrate that such innovative projects have a place in our country and play a key role in driving the energy sovereignty transition toward the citizens.   Some have referred to these initiatives as “real utopias”. While many of them indeed leave behind a model…

Territorial Equity Takes Centre Stage in Second Citizen Discussion Group in Pujalt on the Impact of Renewables in the Region

Territorial equity, the technical and social feasibility of projects, and the future of a fairer and more sustainable energy model were the main topics at the second citizen discussion group held in Pujalt, Catalonia, on Saturday, October 26. This session brought together community members to address the impacts of renewable energy deployment in the area, featuring experts in the field…

cruyff court jordi alba
Inauguration of the shadow space installed with Cooltorise at Cruyff Court Jordi Alba

A conference on climate resilience was held with the young people of the ‘Les Planes’ space in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat On Thursday 18 July, the inauguration of the shade structure installed as part of the European Cooltorise project took place at the Cruyff Court Jordi Alba, in the municipality of L’Hospitalet de Llobregat. This event brought together around twenty teenagers…

V2G technologies are gaining traction in Europe

The European V2Market project is coming to its final stretch and is doing so by generating knowledge on the use of electric car batteries for temporary electricity storage and grid flexibility services. The project’s concluding conference, held in June in the Belgian capital, showed that initiatives such as V2Market need to take the lead and make headway. “You don’t have…

The Ecoserveis Association at the European Sustainable Energy Week 2024

We publicise our projects with the aim of promoting a fair and sustainable Europe: energy communities, building renovation and combating energy poverty The colleagues of the Association Ecoserveis Energy Culture have been at the EUSEW 2024 (European Sustainable Energy Week), an event focused on clean energy solutions for a competitive Europe. This European Commission initiative promotes energy efficiency and renewable…