Adhesions to Manifestos
2017. Platform that brings together different sections of civil society in order to promote self-consumption in Spain.
April 2019. Demonstration to denounce the abuse of rental prices held in Barcelona on April 6, 2019 with the aim of denouncing the commercialization of a basic right such as housing.
November 2019. Manifesto denouncing the buying of influence in Brussels by the world’s five largest oil and gas companies – BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil, Shell and Total – delaying and undermining EU action against the climate crisis.
December 2019. Counter summit organized to give visibility to the movements and groups that suffer the most from the impact of climate change and whose voices are not represented at the COP25 held in Madrid in 2019.
2020. Comunidad #PorElClima that works to accelerate climate action in different sectors of society and thus reduce emissions.
March 2020. It is a European coalition that unites trade unions, anti-poverty organizations, social housing providers, environmental organizations, health organizations and energy cooperatives with the aim of working together on measures against energy poverty.
2022. Barcelona Plastic Zero Commitment. An initiative that aims to visualize the existing single-use plastic reduction initiatives in the city, as well as encourage other organizations in the city to join in to deal with the culture of using and throwing away. The Commitment is the working framework for actions to reduce and eliminate single-use plastic.
March 2022. Constitutive manifesto. Platform for the Decarbonisation of Heating and Hot Water. If Spain wants to meet its energy and greenhouse gas reduction targets, it is essential that buildings use less energy, and that this energy be decarbonised.