Project name B4SS 01/01/2025 - 31/12/2026 Total budget: Total project budget: €400,000.00 – 100% funded by the Erasmus+ Sport programme – Budget allocated to Ecoserveis: €25,000.00 Beneficiaries Sports clubs (including staff and players) Tennis clubs (including staff and players) Public administrations Private stakeholders (suppliers) Other key institutions at local, national, and EU level Social networks : Benchmarking for Sport Sustainability…

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Project name ReLIFE 01/10/2024 - 30/09/2027 Total budget: Total project budget: €2,081,171.40 – Amount co-financed by the EU through the LIFE programme: €1,977,112.84Web: https://relife-project.eu/ Beneficiaries Building owners/tenants and Civil Society Public Authorities / Policy makers Energy Communities Financial institutions ESCOs Building/Facility Managers Public Administrations Researchers operating in the energy field Building industry Energy utilities/aggregators Architects / Engineers companies Energy consultants…

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Project name ASSERT 01/10/2024 - 30/09/2027 Total budget: Total project cost: €1,999,776.50. Funded by the LIFE23 program. Budget allocated to ECOSERVEIS: €242,890.00.Web: https://ecoserveis.net/pobresa-energetica-i-diversitat-funcional/ Beneficiaries Municipalities Organizations working with people with functional diversity (Disabled People's Organizations - DPOs) Social networks : Large-scale multiactor training and mentoriship programme to ASSist people with physical impairments in energy povERTy Description The ASSERT project tackles…

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Project name GIDOMUS 01/10/2024 - 30/09/2027 Total budget: Total project cost: €1,582,369.50. 95% funded by the LIFE23 program. Cost for ECOSERVEIS: €186,715.00.Web: https://www.gidomus.cat/ Beneficiaries Citizens, homeowners and communities Local investors, financial entities and investment funds Rehabilitation professionals (architects, engineers, installers, craftsmen, technology providers Building managers and administrators Municipalities Local and regional public administrations Housing and energy agencies/cooperatives Private stakeholders and…

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La Meva Energia App

La Meva Energia App

Project name La Meva Energia App 01/06/2023 - 31/12/2025 Total budget: €378,201.53 Next Gen - Generalitat de Catalunya - Budget for Ecoserveis: €81,458.30 Beneficiaries Vulnerable consumers Social networks : Description La Meva Energia is a Digitization System for Energy Advice Centres (EACs) that currently operate throughout the Catalan territory. Its design will have an impact on the efficiency of the…

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Project name POWGEN 01/04/2024 - 30/09/2026 Total budget: Program: AMIF - Topic 4 - Multi-stakeholder initiatives for migrant integration into the labor market. Total budget: €1,328,010.17. Budget allocated to Ecoserveis: €103,535.02.Web: https://powgenproject.org/ Beneficiaries People from third countries with low levels of education and qualifications (TCNs - Third Country Nationals) Public and private employment services NGOs working in the field of…

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Project name CO-SUSTAIN 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2026 Total budget: €2,774,250.00 total of which €325,562.50 is allocated to Ecoserveis - Horizon Europe RIA – Research and Innovation Action Beneficiaries Researchers/res in political science Responsible for public policies in the field of climate action Local authorities Social networks : Description CO-SUSTAIN focuses on fostering innovative, non-institutional political engagement to accelerate climate action. The…

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New Skills for nearly Zero Energy Buildings

New Skills for nearly Zero Energy Buildings

Project name New Skills for nearly Zero Energy Buildings 01/09/2023 - 31/08/2026 Total budget: 932.346,00€Web: https://www.ns4nzebs.com/ Beneficiaries VET providers & trainers Professional associations RES companies Authorities / policy makers Energy consultancy agencies Employment bureaus Installers, architects, engineers General public (end users) Social networks : Description The use of renewable energies and digital technologies in the construction sector is heavily emphasized…

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Project name ENTRACK 01/11/2023 - 30/10/2026 Total budget: Total estimated cost of the project: 1.473.926,71 EUR - 95% financed by the EU (CALL: LIFE-2022-CET). 153.010 EUR allocated to Ecoserveis, from which 145.359,50 EUR are financed by the EUWeb: https://entrack-project.eu/ Beneficiaries Mediterranean rural municipalities Social networks : Empower local and regional authorities to design clean energy transition plans through capacity and…

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Spanish Coordination Climate Pact Ambassadors

Spanish Coordination Climate Pact Ambassadors

Project name Spanish Coordination Climate Pact Ambassadors 01/10/2023 - 31/05/2025 Total budget: €82,439.83Web: https://climate-pact.europa.eu/ Beneficiaries Ambassadors for the Climate Pact Set of citizens in Spain Social networks : CLICK HERE TO MEET THE AMBASSADORSDescription The Climate Pact is an EU initiative launched in 2020 to bring the challenges and opportunities of the green transition closer to all citizens, stakeholders and…

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