We are in a climate emergency. The young people, who are growing more and more aware of it, have taken the lead regarding climate action all around the world: they are the engine of change, globally and locally, because they belong to the generation most unfairly affected by the crisis.
In this project, Ecoserveis has brought in their expertise in education and environmental disclosure and has worked with the Institut Escola Trinitat Nova to develop a project of climate communication on the radio. The aim is to make the consequences of this climate emergency known to the rest of the school and further.
The goal of the project is to create a service-learning approach with an educational proposal focused on the climate emergency and sustainability and its broadcasting on the school radio. Specifically, the project works on educating and empowering children around the ages of 10 and 12 regarding climate change and how important their participation is in order to find a solution to this global challenge.
The specific objectives are:
- To improve the awareness and knowledge of the human rights regarding climate change of children.
- To encourage children’s participation by giving them a space to express themselves and to empower them using the school radio. This will improve their speaking and writing communication skills along with their creativity and critical thinking.
- To promote participation in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) through information meetings and other materials, encouraging small actions that can be done from home for a more sustainable life.
- To boost the peer production of the school radios.
Listen to the stories about this topic by the secondary school students of IE Trinitat Nova: