The first issue of SDG Striker magazine is here!

A magazine for a more sustainable world thanks to sport initiatives!

After much effort, the collaborating entities of the Erasmus+ SDG Striker de Erasmus+ project are pleased to present you the first issue of the project magazine!

The SDG Striker magazine is a dissemination tool that helps transmit and share information on sustainability to the different actors in the sports sector. SDG Striker magazine presents a series of strategies, success stories and testimonials that can serve to guide clubs, federations, players and sport fans to take measures to reduce negative impacts and contribute effectively to the preservation of the environment, human development and the fight against poverty. The purpose of the SDG Striker magazine is to inspire and motivate action by demonstrating that a sustainable management model for the sports sector is possible and beneficial for sport organizations and all the actors in the sector. In addition, the magazine presents the progress of the SDG Striker project and the sustainability measures implemented by its partners (the Scottish Football Federation, the Norwegian Football Federation and the Portuguese Football Federation), which are developing a series of pilot projects aimed at efficiency in consumption, the reduction of waste and pollution and the development of local communities.

In this first issue of the magazine, you will find the presentation of the SDG Striker project and how it intends to promote the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (called SDGs) in the sports sector. Next, you will discover strategies to include measures for sustainability in sports entities and organizations. And finally, you will learn about three success stories and examples of sports organizations that show that it is possible to join the fight to preserve the environment and promote local development:

  • The Forever Green initiative of the Real Betis Balompie club, a platform to give visibility to actions in favor of sustainability in the world of sport.
  • The European project PlayGreen, an example of different sports organizations contributing together to the fight against climate change and against inequalities.
  • The efforts of the Norwegian Football Federation to replace the rubber in artificial turf pitches with non-polluting alternatives.

The SDG Striker magazine is a great opportunity to learn about the contribution of the world of sport in sustainability and demonstrates all the great potential that sport has for making this world a better place. So do not miss it and download it now!

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