Energy poverty agents meet in Zagreb

Croacia will host this June, 2022, the second international meeting of the Energy Poverty Advisory Hub (EPAH). The project, promoted by the European Commission and coordinated by Ecoservices, aims to eradicate energy poverty and accelerate a fair energy transition through European local governments.

Under the title “Moving towards energy self-sufficiency: how to ensure social inclusion”, and amid a delicate geopolitical context and a changing energy market reality, the conference will be open to agents, municipalities and citizens. The conferences are expected to bring together local governments, EU representatives, policy makers, energy agencies, civil society organizations and all stakeholders working in the field of the energy poverty. One week before the meeting, there are already registered 200 participants.

The two-day program includes talks, debates, opening speeches and interactive workshops that will allow participants to discuss, learn from each other and share practices on how the European Union, the states and the local actors can work together. to find a way to contribute to a clean energy transition and reduce energy poverty.

Assistance to municipalities

EPAH has an advisory service for municipalities with a multidisciplinary staff dedicated to erradicate energy poverty. Through several competitive open calls (2022-2024) councils can request technical advice. The conference in Zagreb is the first face-to-face international conference organized by EPAH after the pandemic, and it takes place where most of the municipalities have joined in receiving technical assistance to address energy poverty at the local level.

This June’s event will be open to anyone interested in attending Zagreb, and some sessions will be streamed.

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