SDG Striker – Scoring Goals for Sustainability

Project name SDG Striker – Scoring Goals for Sustainability
01/01/2021 - 30/06/2023
Total budget: 302.854 € - Erasmus Plus Sports Programme
  • Sports clubs managers
  • Sports associations
  • Policy leaders in sports and sustainability
Social networks :


SDG STRIKER seeks (1) to increase the organisational capacity for Good Governance in grass roots sport organisations by assisting them to implement and communicate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and (2) to develop a joint understanding about best practices before, during and after being tested, and assess their potential for replication across national sports federations – and beyond national borders.

This project brings together 6 partners: three technical organisations (Ecoserveis, the Energy Institute of the Johannes Kepler University and the European Football Development Network), and three UEFA football associations (Portugal, Norway and Scotland).

For the first goal, the project will collate and summarize relevant research on the sustainability aspects of the three focus areas to be implemented in the next phase: energy poverty/efficiency, PV feasibility and greener turf filler). Also, it will develop a survey targeting grass roots football clubs to assess their needs and current practices in the focus areas, and offer mentoring to increase their competences. Each country will run a specific pilot targeting grass roots clubs that will be evaluated and validated later on.

Transfer knowledge and transferability is also an important issue in SDG STRIKER. Therefore for goal 2, a set of Intellectual Outputs will be disseminated in 8 Multiplier Sport Events and face-to-face meetings: (a) a practical guide on how to incorporate and communicate SDGs in sports organisations, (b) an evaluation report of the pilots, (c) a strategic guide for SDGs practitioners which will include policy recommendations and (d) a new and innovative digest on SDGs in sports aiming at sport club owners, facilities’ managers and sportspeople. The project’s life span is 30 month, and covers 6 European countries.

The European Commission’s support for the production of this website does not constitute and endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Ecoserveis role

Project coordination.


  • To increase the organisational capacity for Good Governance in grass roots sport organisations by assisting them to implement and communicate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • To develop a joint understanding about best practices before, during and after being tested, and assess their potential for replication across national sports federations – and beyond national borders.

Related projects


Practical Guideline to incorporate and communicate SDGs in the Sports Organisations
(Intellectual Output 1)

Energy Efficiency in Football (in english)

Avoid Microplastic from Artificial Turf in Football (in english)

Installing Solar Panels to Self-Power your Sports Facilities (in english)

Installing Solar Panels to Self-Power your Sports Facility (in portuguese)

Pilot’s Evaluation Report
(Intellectual Output 2)
Practitioner’s Guide on Replicability and Policy Recommendations
(Intellectual Output 3)
SDG Striker Magazine
(Intellectual Output 4)

1st magazine

2nd magazine

3rd magazine

Other documents and tools
Tool for estimating the economic efficiency of photovoltaic plants
SDG Impact Self Assessment Tool for sports clubs
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz summary on alternative turf filler
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz scientific publication “Quantifying the Sustainability of Football (Soccer) Pitches: A Comparison of Artificial and Natural Turf Pitches with a Focus on Microplastics and Their Environmental Impacts”
