New Skills for nearly Zero Energy Buildings

Project name New Skills for nearly Zero Energy Buildings
01/09/2023 - 31/08/2026
Total budget: 932.346,00€
  • VET providers & trainers
  • Professional associations
  • RES companies
  • Authorities / policy makers
  • Energy consultancy agencies
  • Employment bureaus
  • Installers, architects, engineers
  • General public (end users)
Social networks :


The use of renewable energies and digital technologies in the construction sector is heavily emphasized in the corresponding EU Directives and Regulations. These technologies play a significant role in helping to meet greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, achieving a fully decarbonized building stock by 2050, and addressing the energy crisis in Europe.

Taking into account these considerations, the NS4nZEBs project aims to address the existing gaps between current skills, characterizing energy performance, and the increasingly demanded and essential skills for the future. The goal is to increase the number of qualified construction professionals in the fields of photovoltaics, smart electrical systems, heat pumps, and hydrogen technologies in buildings at all levels of design, operation, and maintenance. This will result in the widespread adoption of new energy-efficient technologies and renewable energies for the successful implementation of nearly zero-energy buildings, the scaling-up of ambitious renovation interventions, and the deployment of efficient renewable-based heating and cooling, particularly heat pumps, thereby contributing to reducing the EU’s dependence on fossil fuel imports.

This objective will be achieved through the development of new training methods and up-to-date curricula, as well as qualification courses for all types of professionals involved in the construction value chain (blue-collar and white-collar workers).

All relevant stakeholders, including authorities, businesses, end-users, and VET providers, participate to work on feedback mechanisms that ensure training programs and curricula are relevant to the labor market and proactively integrate emerging skills. Furthermore, the number of individuals benefiting from periodically updated training developed under the project will steadily increase over the long term.

The consortium is an association of excellence, with experts (installers, engineers, architects, experts in IT, automation, education, and communications) from 6 countries, namely Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Spain, and Ukraine

Ecoserveis participation

Ecoserveis will analyze the GAP within the training scope and nZEB policies to implement a training cycle.


The main objective of the NS4nZEBs project is to increase the number of qualified building professionals in the fields of photovoltaics, smart electrical systems, heat pumps, and energy storage, including small-scale applications for hydrogen production in buildings at all levels of the value chain in design, operation, and maintenance of the building. This will result in the widespread adoption of new energy-efficient technologies and RES that can enhance construction capacity, stimulate investments, and facilitate the implementation of policies focused on small-scale energy efficiency and renewables.

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