- The citizenship of Barcelona, particularly women from neighbourhoods near the mountain and in the peripheral area
This project has identified the impediments and issues regarding the mobility of the citizens in the peripheral neighbourhoods of Barcelona. It has gathered the opinions and suggestions of their population to bring them to the City Council of Barcelona so they can be turned into effective measures. These pretend to improve the life quality of their inhabitants and make their mobility across the area and the whole city easier. The obtained suggestions have had the aim to be constructive and to commit to the sustainability and territorial equity criteria. In this project’s framework, five peripheral neighbourhoods of the municipality of Barcelona have been selected as the study subject for the improvement of the mobility according to the neighbours’ suggestions.
These are the studied neighbourhoods:
- El Besós i el Maresme
- El Carmel
- La Marina del Port
- Les Roquetes
- La Sagrera
To properly identify the barriers in transport and to adequately adjust the proposals of the transformation of the mobility model of the city to the needs of their citizens, the Fair and Sustainable Mobility II project has approached its work in these areas from the bottom to the top. An approach that goes from the citizens to the institutions and not the other way around. This is the reason why the methods used to collect the proposals from the neighbours have been participative and inclusive. These have also been integrating and democratic so that the people from different socioeconomic and demographic backgrounds can participate as equals. In order to receive responses coming from a wide and diverse majority of the neighbours, face-to-face and distanced communication and proposal collection tools have been used to the same degree.
The main issues and topics that have guided the activities of the project and that have been presented to the citizens —in the co-creation workshops and through surveys—to know their point of view have been:
- What services and activities in the neighbourhood have a difficult accessibility?
- Which are the most used means of transport in the neighbourhood?
- In what way do the prices of public transportation affect their utilisation in the neighbourhood?
- What are the obstacles found when walking, riding a bicycle and going by public transport in the neighbourhood?
- What difficulties do electric and shared transport present?
- Are there any routes to school and public areas safe for children?
- What is the level of insecurity on each one of the means of transport in the neighbourhood?
Project coordination.
This project has been the continuation of the Fair and Sustainable Mobility Project started in 2020 with the goal of seeing how the inequalities in mobility affect the lives of the most vulnerable groups and territories of the city, and to promote more sustainable alternatives to their mobility. Specifically, the aim of this project has been to identify inequalities in the mobility field and to promote the participation of these groups of people in the healthier and more sustainable alternatives of transport. At the same time, it also intended to analyse the specific needs regarding transportation of those in a condition of energy vulnerability. To achieve these goals, a series of activities have been celebrated in order to sensitise and promote these sustainable models of mobility, and a gathering of data and reviews on the use of transport in these areas has been conducted to submit proposals of improvement.
The specific objectives of the project have been:
- To improve the participation of those in a vulnerable status and to make it a more binding engagement.
- To boost the co-responsibility culture among the citizens and to create spaces for debate and collective progress.
- To understand what are the effects of energy poverty on the mobility of those suffering from it.
- To promote sustainable mobility that also removes inequality among the different social groups of people.