- Granollers Town Hall
Granollers Town Hall participates in the European project COMPOSE of the Interreg-MED program, from where the aim is to dynamize the productive and residential fabric in rural areas through the promotion of energy saving and the implementation of renewable energies.
Participation of Ecoserveis
Ecoserveis has presented to the Granollers Town Hall:
-The analysis of the Palou area from the point of view of potential development of implantation of systems of renewable energies and better options to value.
-The study of the different models of business associated to the exploitation of the renewable energies in rural areas and, concretely, of the Palou area.
-A proposal for the implementation of renewable energy pilot projects in public facilities in the area that act as demonstration installations of the proposed solutions.
– Study the different initiatives and approaches to exploit the potential of renewable energies and develop business models in the area.