- Old people
- Migrants
- Young people from disadvantaged backgrounds
- Educational centers
- Neighborhood associations
- Public administration
- NGOs and third sector entities
Climate change exacerbates inequalities, not only in poor countries, but also in wealthy ones, and the highest price is already being paid by those who are poor or marginalised. Although extreme weather events are not new, climate is already increasing their frequency and intensity, making it harder for those affected to cope with its impacts. However, while these social impacts can become evident occasionally when there is a natural disaster, in other cases establishing the link between environment and social inequalities can be difficult. It needs to be built on local examples to showcase tangible effects of a global challenge that is still perceived for many social actors as intangible.
Narratives showing how climate change and other environmental problems increase social inequalities are still to be built and mainstreamed to permeate into the public debate and translate into climate policies that incorporate a social inclusion approach. Within the several digital techniques, Participatory Video (PV) is a methodology that has proved its possibbilties to social change, inclusive learning, collective problem solving skills, and also transform research process when used for academic purposes. CLIMATUBERS project intends to upscale these experiences with PV implemented mostly in developing countries to European vulnerable communities, in order to showcase the social inclusion dimension of climate change at European level, but working through tangible examples at the local level in different countries.
The project will work with local communities mainly to identify how environmental issues and climate change effects can lead to deeper inequalities and increased vulnerability of some social groups.
Ecoserveis role
Project coordination.
- Foster inclusive education and promote common values (as stated in the General Objective of the Call) through innovative storytelling methodologies on the climate crisis and on climate-related migration.
- Adapt and implement innovative methodologies for social action and collective learning (PV used for climate justice in European countries) to foster digital skills and competences of digitally excluded groups (including older people, migrants and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds), as foreseen in the Specific Objectives of the Call.
- Enhance active engagement of families and local communities through storytelling, participation and dissemination of the co-created videos. The process of reflecting on the participants’ versions of their own realities will address the lack of recognition and alienation from political, social and economic systems and facilitate inclusion and active citizenship.
- Promote peer-to-peer role models between the beneficiaries as a way to both:
- Learn from each other,
- Strengthen links between people at risk of exclusion and other members in their community that otherwise would be difficult to connect.