Project name Carrega’t d’energia
March 2015 - Ongoing
Total budget: €22,000 per year
- Barcelona citizens
“Carrega’t” is a programme of 9 workshops on energy, efficiency and self-consumption, developed through Barcelona City Council. The workshops are held in public facilities and interested citizens can attend for free. The project, which began in March 2015, is part of the strategic plan for the transition to energy sovereignty.
- To involve and empower citizens in the transition to energy sovereignty.
- To achieve a real change of habits in the use and generation of energy.
- Assolir un canvi d’hàbits real en l’ús i generació de l’energia.
- To increase savings, efficiency and rational use of energy.
- To increase energy generation from the use of renewable energies.
- To achieve that the assistants undertake actions linked to the pricing optimization.
Participation of Ecoserveis
In the framework of this programme, Ecoserveis has developed training courses in various events organised by Barcelona City Council, holding workshops in different neighbourhoods and districts of the city. Since May 2015 we have been developing training courses on energy bills, energy habits at home, installation of renewable energies and low-cost materials to improve energy efficiency and comfort at home.