- Energy users in vulnerable situations
ASSIST unites 11 organisations from 6 European countries along with a European association in the fight against energy poverty. This project, funded by the H2020 programme, aims to promote the active involvement of users in the energy market, in addition to generating positive behavioural changes in terms of energy usage, with the goal of influencing policy design at various levels to fight the problems associated with energy poverty.
Through Assist, we create networks of energy agents, people who have been trained to advise energy users on strategies that will improve the efficiency of their homes and reduce energy costs. By doing so, we have multiplied the number of people who ultimately benefit from the project.
We also compose reports to gain an in-depth understanding of the problems associated with energy poverty and vulnerable consumers in Europe and to develop solutions to tackle them.
Participation of Ecoserveis
The Spanish part of the project trains professionals from the SAD (Home Care Service) in Barcelona and el Maresme. At Ecoserveis, we are responsible for the training and coordination of workers. We have selected the SAD technicians to advise and support the ultimate beneficiaries as they already have an existing and very close relationship with the users. This means that they can influence the creation and reinforcement of habits and establish deeper emotional bonds.
In addition, we collaborate with the drafting of specialist reports on energy poverty and consumer vulnerability.
Related projects
- Build knowledge about vulnerable consumers and energy poverty, creating a clear and global definition for identifying the problem.
- Define a professional profile for the role of energy agent.
- Reduce energy poverty, especially for families in vulnerable circumstances.
- Foster active participation in the energy market by users.