The presentation of the TANDEM project in November brings together the neighborhood of Pujalt, l’Astor and Guàrdia Pilosa and opens the conversation about the suitability of how wind energy is being implemented in the territory of Anoia.
To study the effects that energy transition policies have on certain segments of society, this November the 3rd, the TANDEM project has been presented in Pujalt. An initiative financed with funds from the European Horizon 2020 program that seeks to listen to citizens about the effects that the implementation of renewable energies can have on the groups directly affected and, finally, prepare a guide of recommendations.
The information session, organized together with the Pujalt City Council, brought together fifteen people from neighboring towns. But, in addition, it has done so in a particularly significant place, since the municipality (of just over two hundred inhabitants) has three large wind projects and has seen more than fifty wind turbines installed in the last 15 years.
Analysis of the study and final phase
Despite the magnitude of the wind projects, the citizens of the area have never been summoned to find out what they think of their implementation. For this reason, and after this first session, three discussion groups organized by the Catalan entity responsible for the project, the Ecoserveis Association, will be held starting in 2024. Some participatory sessions that want to have the collaboration of the different affected groups, as well as local citizens. The objective is to involve citizens, collect opinions and prepare a guide of recommendations that ensures that European energy transition policies take into account citizen impacts and incorporate, over time, the concerns of those who live closest to where they are implemented. renewable ones.
This is the final process of a project that has been analyzing the different energy transition policies that have been implemented in the territory and how these have affected the groups involved. In this sense, it should be noted that the previous analysis of public policies and the expansion of wind and solar energy has been done through interviews with those responsible for these policies, as well as with representatives of the groups and collectives that have been affected by the implementation of wind and photovoltaic energy.
Citizen participation
The citizens of Pujalt and the group of municipalities in the upper Anoia and Segarra area will be able to benefit from participation in the discussion groups that will be created in the municipality, contributing their vision and experience and thus becoming the center of the debate. This will serve to analyze what implementation policies should be like in the coming years.
Thus, and together with those responsible for the project, members of the local community and representatives of the different affected sectors may request that the related policies take into account the territory and also take into consideration all those negative effects that they may cause in the area. rural. Furthermore, the participation of local citizens in the participatory sessions will be rewarded for the time and efforts dedicated to the project.
The Ecoserveis Association, member of the TANDEM project and responsible for the Catalan case study, calls on the citizens of the area to be interested in the project and to participate massively in the discussion groups. Ecoserveis is a non-profit association that is dedicated to the energy transition from a fair and egalitarian perspective, considering the territory and all the people who are part of it.
For more information you can consult the websites about the entity and the TANDEM project.
To participate in the citizen discussion groups (the first of which will take place on January 20, 2024) you can register here.